
Group by:
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This contains every single discord objects All Optional fields in these object are:

  • Fields that cannot be assumed. such as bools
  • Optional fields for example embeds, which they may not be present.

Some may not be optional, but they can be assumable or always present.


Activity = object
  name*: string
  kind*: ActivityType
  flags*: set[ActivityFlags]
  url*, application_id*, details*, state*: Option[string]
  created_at*: BiggestFloat
  timestamps*: Option[tuple[start, final: BiggestFloat]]
  emoji*: Option[Emoji]
  party*: Option[tuple[id: string, size: seq[int]]] ## todo
  assets*: Option[ActivityAssets]
  secrets*: Option[tuple[join, spectate, match: string]]
  buttons*: seq[tuple[label, url: string]]
  instance*: bool
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ActivityAssets = object
  small_text*, small_image*: string
  large_text*, large_image*: string
Read more at: https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway-events#activity-object-activity-asset-image Source   Edit  
ActivityStatus = object
  name*: string
  kind*: ActivityType
  url*: Option[string]
This is used for status updates. Source   Edit  
AllowedMentions = object
  parse*, roles*, users*: seq[string]
  replied_user*: bool
An object of allowed mentions. For parse: The values should be "roles", "users", "everyone" Source   Edit  
Application = object
  id*, description*, name*: string
  summary*, verify_key*: string
  rpc_origins*, tags*: seq[string]
  approximate_guild_count*: Option[int]
  bot_public*, bot_require_code_grant*: bool
  terms_of_service_url*, privacy_policy_url*: Option[string]
  guild_id*, custom_install_url*: Option[string]
  icon*, primary_sku_id*, slug*, cover_image*: Option[string]
  role_connections_verification_url*: Option[string]
  owner*: User
  guild*: PartialGuild
  team*: Option[Team]
  flags*: set[ApplicationFlags]
  install_params*: tuple[scopes: seq[string], permissions: string]
Source   Edit  
ApplicationCommand = object
  id*, application_id*, version*: string
  guild_id*: Option[string]
  kind*: ApplicationCommandType
  name*, description*: string
  name_localizations*: Option[Table[string, string]]
  description_localizations*: Option[Table[string, string]]
  default_member_permissions*: Option[set[PermissionFlags]]
  default_permission*, nsfw*, dm_permission*: Option[bool]
  options*: seq[ApplicationCommandOption]
Source   Edit  
ApplicationCommandInteractionData = ref object
  case interaction_type*: InteractionDataType
  of idtApplicationCommand:
      id*, name*: string
      guild_id*: Option[string]
      resolved*: ApplicationCommandResolution
      case kind*: ApplicationCommandType
      of atSlash:
          options*: Table[string, ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption]

      of atUser, atMessage:
          target_id*: string

      of atNothing:
  of idtMessageComponent, idtModalSubmit:
      case component_type*: MessageComponentType
      of SelectMenu, UserSelect, RoleSelect, MentionableSelect, ChannelSelect:
          values*: seq[string]

      custom_id*: string
      components*: seq[MessageComponent]

options Tableoption_name, obj Source   Edit  
ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption = object
  name*: string
  case kind*: ApplicationCommandOptionType
  of acotNothing:
  of acotBool:
    bval*: bool
  of acotInt:
    ival*: BiggestInt
  of acotStr:
    str*: string
  of acotUser:
    user_id*: string
  of acotChannel:
    channel_id*: string
  of acotRole:
    role_id*: string
  of acotSubCommand, acotSubCommandGroup:
      options*: Table[string, ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption]

  of acotNumber:
    fval*: BiggestFloat
  of acotMentionable:
    mention_id*: string
  of acotAttachment:
    aval*: string
  focused*: Option[bool]     ## Will be true if this is the value the user is typing during auto complete
Source   Edit  
ApplicationCommandOption = object
  kind*: ApplicationCommandOptionType
  name*, description*: string
  name_localizations*: Option[Table[string, string]]
  description_localizations*: Option[Table[string, string]]
  required*, autocomplete*: Option[bool]
  channel_types*: seq[ChannelType]
  min_value*, max_value*: (Option[BiggestInt], Option[float])
  min_length*, max_length*: Option[int]
  choices*: seq[ApplicationCommandOptionChoice]
  options*: seq[ApplicationCommandOption]
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ApplicationCommandOptionChoice = object
  name*: string
  name_localizations*: Option[Table[string, string]]
  value*: (Option[string], Option[int])
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ApplicationCommandPermission = object
  id*: string                ## ID of role or user
  kind*: ApplicationCommandPermissionType
  permission*: bool          ## true to allow, false to disallow
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ApplicationCommandResolution = object
  users*: Table[string, User]
  attachments*: Table[string, Attachment]
  case kind*: ApplicationCommandType
  of atUser:
      members*: Table[string, Member]
      roles*: Table[string, Role]

  of atMessage:
      channels*: Table[string, ResolvedChannel]
      messages*: Table[string, Message]

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ApplicationRoleConnection = object
  platform_name*, platform_username*: Option[string]
  metadata*: Table[string, string]
Source   Edit  
ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata = object
  kind*: RoleConnectionMetadataType
  key*, name*, description*: string
  name_localizations*: Option[Table[string, string]]
  description_localizations*: Option[Table[string, string]]
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Attachment = object
  id*, filename*: string
  description*, content_type*, waveform*: Option[string]
  proxy_url*, url*: string
  file*: string
  height*, width*: Option[int]
  ephemeral*: Option[bool]
  size*: int
file is used for sending/editing attachments. file is like body in DiscordFile, but for attachments. Source   Edit  
AuditLog = object
  webhooks*: seq[Webhook]
  users*: seq[User]
  application_commands*: seq[ApplicationCommand]
  audit_log_entries*: seq[AuditLogEntry]
  integrations*: seq[Integration]
  threads*: seq[GuildChannel]
  guild_scheduled_events*: seq[GuildScheduledEvent]
  auto_moderation_rules*: seq[AutoModerationRule]
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AuditLogChangeValue = object
  case kind*: AuditLogChangeType
  of alcString:
      str*: string

  of alcInt:
      ival*: int

  of alcBool:
      bval*: bool

  of alcRoles:
      roles*: seq[tuple[id, name: string]]

  of alcOverwrites:
      overwrites*: seq[Overwrite]

  of alcNil:

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AuditLogEntry = ref object
  id*: string
  user_id*, target_id*, reason*: Option[string]
  before*, after*: Table[string, AuditLogChangeValue]
  opts*: Option[AuditLogOptions]
  action_type*: AuditLogEntryType
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AuditLogOptions = object
  auto_moderation_rule_name*: Option[string]
  auto_moderation_rule_trigger_type*: Option[string]
  delete_member_days*, members_removed*: Option[string]
  channel_id*, count*, role_name*: Option[string]
  id*, message_id*, application_id*: Option[string]
  kind*: Option[string]
  • kind ("role" or "member") or (0 or 1)
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CacheError = object of KeyError
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CacheTable = ref object
  preferences*: CacheTablePrefs
  users*: Table[string, User]
  guilds*: Table[string, Guild]
  guildChannels*: Table[string, GuildChannel]
  dmChannels*: Table[string, DMChannel]
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CacheTablePrefs = object
  cache_users*, cache_guilds*: bool
  cache_guild_channels*, cache_dm_channels*: bool
  large_message_threshold*, max_message_size*: int
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Channel = object
  name*, parent_id*: string
  id*, kind*: int
Used for creating guilds. Source   Edit  
DefaultForumReaction = object
  emoji_id*, emoji_name*: Option[string]
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DiscordClient = ref object
  api*: RestApi
  events*: Events
  token*: string
  shards*: Table[int, Shard]
  waits*: WaitTable
  restMode*, autoreconnect*, guildSubscriptions*: bool
  largeThreshold*, gatewayVersion*, maxShards*: int
  intents*: set[GatewayIntent]
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DiscordFile = ref object
  name*, body*: string
A Discord file. Source   Edit  
DiscordHttpError = ref object of CatchableError
  code*: int
  message*: string
  errors*: JsonNode
  • code the status code e.g. 400 for a bad request.
  • message the message field from the json e.g. "You are being rate-limited"

Note: if you want exception msg, it's DiscordHttpError.msg

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DMChannel = ref object
  id*, last_message_id*: string
  kind*: ChannelType
  recipients*: seq[User]
  messages*: Table[string, Message]
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Embed = object
  title*, `type`*, description*: Option[string]
  url*, timestamp*: Option[string]
  color*: Option[int]
  footer*: Option[EmbedFooter]
  image*: Option[EmbedImage]
  thumbnail*: Option[EmbedThumbnail]
  video*: Option[EmbedVideo]
  provider*: Option[EmbedProvider]
  author*: Option[EmbedAuthor]
  fields*: Option[seq[EmbedField]]
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EmbedAuthor = object
  name*: string
  url*: Option[string]
  icon_url*, proxy_icon_url*: Option[string]
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EmbedField = object
  name*, value*: string
  inline*: Option[bool]
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EmbedFooter = object
  text*: string
  icon_url*, proxy_icon_url*: Option[string]
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EmbedImage = object
  url*: string
  proxy_url*: Option[string]
  height*, width*: Option[int]
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EmbedProvider = object
  name*, url*: Option[string]
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EmbedThumbnail = object
  url*: string
  proxy_url*: Option[string]
  height*, width*: Option[int]
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EmbedVideo = object
  url*, proxy_url*: Option[string]
  height*, width*: Option[int]
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Emoji = object
  id*, name*: Option[string]
  require_colons*, animated*: Option[bool]
  managed*, available*: Option[bool]
  user*: Option[User]
  roles*: seq[string]
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EntityMetadata = object
  location*: Option[string]
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Events = ref object
  on_dispatch*: proc (s: Shard; evt: string; data: JsonNode) {.async.}
  on_ready*: proc (s: Shard; r: Ready) {.async.}
  on_disconnect*: proc (s: Shard) {.async.}
  message_create*: proc (s: Shard; msg: Message) {.async.}
  message_delete*: proc (s: Shard; msg: Message; exists: bool) {.async.}
  message_update*: proc (s: Shard; msg: Message; old: Option[Message];
                         exists: bool) {.async.}
  message_reaction_add*: proc (s: Shard; msg: Message; u: User; emj: Emoji;
                               exists: bool) {.async.}
  message_reaction_remove*: proc (s: Shard; msg: Message; u: User;
                                  rtn: Reaction; exists: bool) {.async.}
  message_reaction_remove_all*: proc (s: Shard; msg: Message; exists: bool) {.
  message_reaction_remove_emoji*: proc (s: Shard; msg: Message; emj: Emoji;
                                        exists: bool) {.async.}
  message_delete_bulk*: proc (s: Shard;
                              m: seq[tuple[msg: Message, exists: bool]]) {.async.}
  channel_create*: proc (s: Shard; g: Option[Guild]; c: Option[GuildChannel];
                         dm: Option[DMChannel]) {.async.}
  channel_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; c: GuildChannel;
                         old: Option[GuildChannel]) {.async.}
  channel_delete*: proc (s: Shard; g: Option[Guild]; c: Option[GuildChannel];
                         dm: Option[DMChannel]) {.async.}
  channel_pins_update*: proc (s: Shard; chan_id: string; g: Option[Guild];
                              last_pin: Option[string]) {.async.}
  presence_update*: proc (s: Shard; p: Presence; old: Option[Presence]) {.async.}
  typing_start*: proc (s: Shard; evt: TypingStart) {.async.}
  guild_emojis_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; emojis: seq[Emoji]) {.async.}
  guild_ban_add*, guild_ban_remove*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; u: User) {.async.}
  guild_audit_log_entry_create*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; entry: AuditLogEntry) {.
  guild_integrations_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild) {.async.}
  guild_member_add*, guild_member_remove*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; m: Member) {.
  guild_member_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; m: Member; old: Option[Member]) {.
  guild_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; old: Option[Guild]) {.async.}
  guild_create*, guild_delete*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild) {.async.}
  guild_members_chunk*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; m: GuildMembersChunk) {.async.}
  guild_role_create*, guild_role_delete*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; r: Role) {.
  guild_role_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; r: Role; old: Option[Role]) {.
  invite_create*: proc (s: Shard; i: InviteCreate) {.async.}
  invite_delete*: proc (s: Shard; g: Option[Guild]; chan_id, code: string) {.
  user_update*: proc (s: Shard; u: User) {.async.}
  voice_state_update*: proc (s: Shard; v: VoiceState; old: Option[VoiceState]) {.
  voice_server_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; token: string;
                              endpoint: Option[string]; initial: bool) {.async.}
  webhooks_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; c: GuildChannel) {.async.}
  interaction_create*: proc (s: Shard; i: Interaction) {.async.}
  application_command_create*, application_command_update*: proc (s: Shard;
      g: Option[Guild]; a: ApplicationCommand) {.async.}
  application_command_delete*: proc (s: Shard; g: Option[Guild];
                                     a: ApplicationCommand) {.async.}
  thread_create*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; c: GuildChannel) {.async.}
  thread_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; c: GuildChannel;
                        old: Option[GuildChannel]) {.async.}
  thread_delete*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; c: GuildChannel; exists: bool) {.
  thread_list_sync*: proc (s: Shard; e: ThreadListSync) {.async.}
  thread_member_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; t: ThreadMember) {.async.}
  thread_members_update*: proc (s: Shard; e: ThreadMembersUpdate) {.async.}
  stage_instance_create*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; i: StageInstance) {.async.}
  stage_instance_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; si: StageInstance;
                                old: Option[StageInstance]) {.async.}
  stage_instance_delete*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; si: StageInstance;
                                exists: bool) {.async.}
  guild_stickers_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; stickers: seq[Sticker]) {.
  guild_scheduled_event_create*, guild_scheduled_event_delete*: proc (s: Shard;
      g: Guild; evt: GuildScheduledEvent) {.async.}
  guild_scheduled_event_update*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild;
                                       evt: GuildScheduledEvent;
                                       old: Option[GuildScheduledEvent]) {.async.}
  guild_scheduled_event_user_add*, guild_scheduled_event_user_remove*: proc (
      s: Shard; g: Guild; evt: GuildScheduledEvent; u: User) {.async.}
  auto_moderation_rule_create*, auto_moderation_rule_update*: proc (s: Shard;
      g: Guild; r: AutoModerationRule) {.async.}
  auto_moderation_rule_delete*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild; r: AutoModerationRule) {.
  auto_moderation_action_execution*: proc (s: Shard; g: Guild;
      e: ModerationActionExecution) {.async.}
An object containing events that can be changed.
  • exists Checks message is cached or not. Other cachable objects dont have them.
  • on_dispatch event gives you the raw event data for you to handle things.

For reference

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ForumTag = object
  id*, name*: string
  emoji_id*, emoji_name*: Option[string]
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GatewayBot = object
  url*: string
  shards*: int
  session_start_limit*: GatewaySession
Source   Edit  
GatewaySession = object
  total*, remaining*: int
  reset_after*, max_concurrency*: int
Source   Edit  
Guild = ref object
  id*, name*, owner_id*: string
  preferred_locale*: string
  rtc_region*, permissions_new*: Option[string]
  icon_hash*, description*, banner*: Option[string]
  public_updates_channel_id*, rules_channel_id*: Option[string]
  icon*, splash*, discovery_splash*: Option[string]
  afk_channel_id*, vanity_url_code*, application_id*: Option[string]
  widget_channel_id*, system_channel_id*, joined_at*: Option[string]
  safety_alerts_channel_id*: Option[string]
  system_channel_flags*: set[SystemChannelFlags]
  permissions*: set[PermissionFlags]
  premium_progress_bar_enabled*, nsfw*, owner*, widget_enabled*: bool
  large*, unavailable*: Option[bool]
  max_stage_video_channel_uses*: Option[int]
  max_video_channel_uses*, afk_timeout*, member_count*: Option[int]
  approximate_member_count*, approximate_presence_count*: Option[int]
  max_presences*, max_members*, premium_subscription_count*: Option[int]
  explicit_content_filter*: ExplicitContentFilter
  welcome_screen*: Option[tuple[description: Option[string],
                                welcome_channels: seq[WelcomeChannel]]]
  mfa_level*: MFALevel
  nsfw_level*: GuildNSFWLevel
  premium_tier*: PremiumTier
  verification_level*: VerificationLevel
  default_message_notifications*: MessageNotificationLevel
  features*: seq[string]
  roles*: Table[string, Role]
  emojis*: Table[string, Emoji]
  voice_states*: Table[string, VoiceState]
  members*: Table[string, Member]
  threads*, channels*: Table[string, GuildChannel]
  presences*: Table[string, Presence]
  stage_instances*: Table[string, StageInstance]
  stickers*: Table[string, Sticker]
  guild_scheduled_events*: Table[string, GuildScheduledEvent]
Source   Edit  
GuildApplicationCommandPermissions = object
  id*, application_id*, guild_id*: string
  permissions*: seq[ApplicationCommandPermission]
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GuildBan = object
  user*: User
  reason*: Option[string]
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GuildChannel = ref object
  id*, name*, guild_id*: string
  nsfw*: bool
  topic*, parent_id*, owner_id*: Option[string]
  last_pin_timestamp*: Option[string]
  permission_overwrites*: Table[string, Overwrite]
  position*: Option[int]
  default_auto_archive_duration*: Option[int]
  rate_limit_per_user*: Option[int]
  permissions*: set[PermissionFlags]
  messages*: Table[string, Message]
  last_message_id*: string
  case kind*: ChannelType
  of ctGuildVoice, ctGuildStageVoice:
      rtc_region*: Option[string]
      video_quality_mode*: Option[int]
      bitrate*, user_limit*: int

  of ctGuildPublicThread, ctGuildPrivateThread, ctGuildNewsThread:
      message_count*, member_count*: Option[int]
      total_message_sent*: Option[int]
      thread_metadata*: ThreadMetadata
      member*: Option[ThreadMember]
      flags*: set[ChannelFlags]
      applied_tags*: Option[seq[string]]

  of ctGuildForum, ctGuildMedia:
      available_tags*: seq[ForumTag]
      default_reaction_emoji*: Option[DefaultForumReaction]
      default_thread_rate_limit_per_user*: Option[int]
      default_sort_order*: Option[ForumSortOrder]
      default_forum_layout*: Option[ForumLayout]


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GuildMembersChunk = object
  guild_id*: string
  nonce*: Option[string]
  chunk_index*, chunk_count*: int
  members*: seq[Member]
  not_found*: seq[string]
  presences*: seq[Presence]
Source   Edit  
GuildOnboarding = object
  guild_id*: string
  prompts*: seq[GuildOnboardingPrompt]
  default_channel_ids*: seq[string]
  enabled*: bool
  mode*: GuildOnboardingMode
Source   Edit  
GuildOnboardingPrompt = object
  id*, title*: string
  kind*: GuildOnboardingPromptType
  options*: seq[GuildOnboardingPromptOption]
  single_select*, required*, in_onboarding*: bool
Source   Edit  
GuildOnboardingPromptOption = object
  id*, title*: string
  description*: Option[string]
  channel_ids*, role_ids*: seq[string]
  emoji*: Emoji
Source   Edit  
GuildPreview = object
  id*, name*: string
  system_channel_flags*: set[SystemChannelFlags]
  icon*, banner*, splash*, emojis*: Option[string]
  preferred_locale*, discovery_splash*, description*: Option[string]
  approximate_member_count*, approximate_presence_count*: int
  features*: seq[string]
Source   Edit  
GuildScheduledEvent = ref object
  id*, guild_id*, name*, scheduled_start_time*: string
  channel_id*, creator_id*, scheduled_end_time*: Option[string]
  description*, entity_id*, image*: Option[string]
  privacy_level*: GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel
  status*: GuildScheduledEventStatus
  entity_type*: EntityType
  entity_metadata*: Option[EntityMetadata]
  creator*: Option[User]
  user_count*: Option[int]
Source   Edit  
GuildScheduledEventUser = object
  guild_scheduled_event_id*: string
  user*: User
  member*: Option[Member]
Source   Edit  
GuildTemplate = object
  code*, name*, creator_id*: string
  description*: Option[string]
  usage_count*: int
  creator*: User
  source_guild_id*, updated_at*, created_at*: string
  serialized_source_guild*: PartialGuild
  is_dirty*: Option[bool]
Source   Edit  
GuildWidgetJson = object
  id*, name*: string
  instant_invite*: string
  channels*: seq[tuple[id, name: string, position: int]]
  members*: seq[tuple[id, username, discriminator: string,
                      avatar: Option[string], status, avatar_url: string]]
Source   Edit  
Integration = object
  id*, name*, kind*: string
  role_id*, synced_at*: Option[string]
  enabled*, syncing*: Option[bool]
  enable_emoticons*, revoked*: Option[bool]
  expire_behavior*: Option[IntegrationExpireBehavior]
  expire_grace_period*: Option[int]
  user*: Option[User]
  account*: tuple[id, name: string]
  subscriber_count*: Option[int]
  application*: Option[tuple[id, name, description: string,
                             icon: Option[string], bot: Option[User]]]
Source   Edit  
Interaction = object
  id*, application_id*: string
  guild_id*, channel_id*, locale*, guild_locale*: Option[string]
  kind*: InteractionType
  message*: Option[Message]
  member*: Option[Member]
  user*: Option[User]
  app_permissions*: set[PermissionFlags]
  token*: string
  data*: Option[ApplicationCommandInteractionData]
  version*: int

if member is present, then that means the interaction is in guild, and user is therefore not present.

if user is present and member isn't, then that means that the interaction is in a DM.

Source   Edit  
InteractionApplicationCommandCallbackData = object
  tts*: Option[bool]
  content*: string
  embeds*: seq[Embed]
  allowed_mentions*: AllowedMentions
  flags*: set[MessageFlags]
  attachments*: seq[Attachment]
  components*: seq[MessageComponent]
if you are setting message flags, there are limited amount. e.g. mfEphemeral and mfSuppressEmbeds. Source   Edit  
InteractionCallbackDataModal = object
  custom_id*, title*: string
  components*: seq[MessageComponent]
Source   Edit  
InteractionResponse = object
  case kind*: InteractionResponseType
  of irtPong, irtChannelMessageWithSource, irtDeferredChannelMessageWithSource,
     irtDeferredUpdateMessage, irtUpdateMessage:
      data*: Option[InteractionApplicationCommandCallbackData]

  of irtAutoCompleteResult:
      choices*: seq[ApplicationCommandOptionChoice]

  of irtInvalid:
  of irtModal:
      custom_id*, title*: string
      components*: seq[MessageComponent]

Source   Edit  
Invite = object
  code*: string
  guild*: Option[PartialGuild]
  channel*: Option[PartialChannel]
  target_type*: Option[InviteTargetType]
  target_user*, inviter*: Option[User]
  target_application*: Option[Application]
  approximate_presence_count*, approximate_member_count*: Option[int]
  expires_at*: Option[string]
  guild_scheduled_event*: Option[GuildScheduledEvent]
Source   Edit  
InviteCreate = object
  code*, created_at*: string
  guild_id*: Option[string]
  uses*, max_uses*, max_age*: int
  channel_id*: string
  inviter*, target_user*: Option[User]
  target_type*: Option[InviteTargetType]
  target_application*: Option[Application]
  temporary*: bool
Source   Edit  
InviteMetadata = object
  code*, created_at*: string
  guild_id*: Option[string]
  uses*, max_uses*, max_age*: int
  temporary*: bool
Source   Edit  
Member = ref object
  user*: User
  nick*, premium_since*, avatar*: Option[string]
  communication_disabled_until*: Option[string]
  joined_at*: string
  roles*: seq[string]
  deaf*, mute*: bool
  pending*: Option[bool]
  flags*: set[GuildMemberFlags]
  permissions*: set[PermissionFlags]
  presence*: Presence
  voice_state*: Option[VoiceState]
  • permissions Returned in the interaction object.

Be aware that Member.user could be nil in some cases.

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MentionChannel = object
  id*, guild_id*, name*: string
  kind*: ChannelType
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Message = ref object
  id*, channel_id*: string
  content*, timestamp*: string
  edited_timestamp*, guild_id*: Option[string]
  webhook_id*, nonce*, application_id*: Option[string]
  tts*, mention_everyone*, pinned*: bool
  kind*: MessageType
  flags*: set[MessageFlags]
  position*: Option[int]
  author*: User
  member*: Option[Member]
  mention_users*: seq[User]
  mention_roles*: seq[string]
  mention_channels*: seq[MentionChannel]
  attachments*: seq[Attachment]
  embeds*: seq[Embed]
  reactions*: Table[string, Reaction]
  activity*: Option[tuple[kind: int, party_id: string]]
  thread*: Option[GuildChannel]
  application*: Option[Application]
  interaction*: Option[MessageInteraction]
  role_subscription_data*: Option[RoleSubscriptionData]
  message_reference*: Option[MessageReference]
  sticker_items*: Table[string, tuple[id, name: string,
                                      format_type: MessageStickerFormat]]
  referenced_message*: Option[Message]
Source   Edit  
MessageComponent = object
  custom_id*: Option[string]
  disabled*: Option[bool]
  placeholder*: Option[string]
  case kind*: MessageComponentType
  of None:
  of ActionRow:
      components*: seq[MessageComponent]

  of Button:
      style*: ButtonStyle
      label*: Option[string]
      emoji*: Option[Emoji]
      url*: Option[string]

  of SelectMenu, UserSelect, RoleSelect, MentionableSelect, ChannelSelect:
      options*: seq[SelectMenuOption]
      channel_types*: seq[ChannelType]
      min_values*, max_values*: Option[int]

  of TextInput:
      input_style*: Option[TextInputStyle]
      input_label*, value*: Option[string]
      required*: Option[bool]
      min_length*, max_length*: Option[int]

Source   Edit  
MessageInteraction = object
  id*, name*: string
  kind*: InteractionType
  user*: User
  member*: Option[Member]
Source   Edit  
MessageReference = object
  channel_id*: Option[string]
  message_id*, guild_id*: Option[string]
  fail_if_not_exists*: Option[bool]
Source   Edit  
ModerationAction = object
  kind*: ModerationActionType
  metadata*: tuple[channel_id: string, duration_seconds: int,
                   custom_message: Option[string]]
Source   Edit  
ModerationActionExecution = object
  guild_id*, rule_id*, user_id*, content*: string
  channel_id*, message_id*, alert_system_message_id*: Option[string]
  matched_keyword*, matched_content*: Option[string]
  action*: ModerationAction
  rule_trigger_type*: ModerationTriggerType
Source   Edit  
Overwrite = object
  id*: string
  kind*: int
  allow*, deny*: set[PermissionFlags]
  • kind will be either ("role" or "member") or ("0" or "1")
Source   Edit  
PartialChannel = object
  id*, name*: string
  kind*: ChannelType
Source   Edit  
PartialGuild = object
  id*, name*: string
  icon*, splash*: Option[string]
Source   Edit  
PartialUser = object
  id*, username*, discriminator*: string
  avatar*: Option[string]
  public_flags*: set[UserFlags]
  bot*: bool
Source   Edit  
PermObj = object
  allowed*, denied*: set[PermissionFlags]
Source   Edit  
Presence = ref object
  user*: User
  guild_id*, status*: string
  activities*: seq[Activity]
  client_status*: tuple[web, desktop, mobile: string]
Source   Edit  
Ratelimit = ref object
  retry_after*: float
  processing*, ratelimited*: bool
Source   Edit  
Reaction = object
  count*: int
  emoji*: Emoji
  reacted*: bool
Source   Edit  
Ready = object
  v*: int
  user*: User
  guilds*: seq[UnavailableGuild]
  resume_gateway_url*, session_id*: string
  shard*: Option[seq[int]]
  application*: tuple[id: string, flags: set[ApplicationFlags]]
Source   Edit  
ResolvedChannel = object
  id*, name*: string
  kind*: ChannelType
  permissions*: set[PermissionFlags]
  thread_metadata*: Option[ThreadMetadata]
  parent_id*: Option[string]
thread_metadata and parent_id are for Threads. Source   Edit  
RestApi = ref object
  token*: string
  endpoints*: Table[string, Ratelimit]
  restVersion*: int
Source   Edit  
RestError = object of CatchableError
Source   Edit  
Role = object
  id*, name*, permissions_new*: string
  icon*, unicode_emoji*: Option[string]
  color*, position*: int
  permissions*: set[PermissionFlags]
  hoist*, managed*, mentionable*: bool
  tags*: Option[RoleTag]
  flags*: set[RoleFlags]
Source   Edit  
RoleSubscriptionData = object
  tier_name*, role_susbcription_listing_id*: string
  total_months_subscribed*: int
  is_renewal*: bool
Source   Edit  
RoleTag = object
  bot_id*, integration_id*: Option[string]
  subscription_listing_id*: Option[string]
  premium_subscriber*: Option[bool]
  available_for_purchase*, guild_connections*: Option[bool]
Source   Edit  
SelectMenuOption = object
  label*: string
  value*: string
  description*: Option[string]
  emoji*: Option[Emoji]
  default*: Option[bool]
Source   Edit  
Shard = ref object
  id*, sequence*: int
  client*: DiscordClient
  user*: User
  resumeGatewayUrl*: string
  gatewayUrl*, session_id*: string
  cache*: CacheTable
  voiceConnections*: Table[string, VoiceClient]
  connection*: WebSocket
  hbAck*, hbSent*, stop*: bool
  lastHBTransmit*, lastHBReceived*: float
  retry_info*: tuple[ms, attempts: int]
  heartbeating*, resuming*, reconnecting*: bool
  authenticating*, networkError*, ready*: bool
  interval*: int

This is where you interact with the gateway api with. It's basically a gateway connection.

For voiceConnections, the string is a guild_id.

Source   Edit  
StageInstance = object
  id*, guild_id*: string
  channel_id*, topic*: string
  privacy_level*: PrivacyLevel
  discoverable_disabled*: bool
  guild_scheduled_event_id*: Option[string]
Source   Edit  
Sticker = object
  id*: string
  name*, tags*: string
  guild_id*, description*: Option[string]
  pack_id*: Option[string]
  format_type*: MessageStickerFormat
  kind*: StickerType
  sort_value*: Option[int]
  available*: Option[bool]
  user*: Option[User]
Source   Edit  
StickerPack = object
  id*, name*, description*: string
  stickers*: seq[Sticker]
  sku_id*, banner_asset_id*: string
  cover_sticker_id*: Option[string]
Source   Edit  
Team = object
  icon*: Option[string]
  name*: string
  id*, owner_user_id*: string
  members*: seq[TeamMember]
Source   Edit  
TeamMember = object
  membership_state*: TeamMembershipState
  permissions*: seq[string]  ## always would be @["*"]
  team_id*: string
  user*: User
Source   Edit  
ThreadListSync = object
  id*, guild_id*: string
  channel_ids*: seq[string]
  threads*: seq[GuildChannel]
  members*: seq[ThreadMember]
Source   Edit  
ThreadMember = object
  id*, user_id*: Option[string]
  join_timestamp*: string
  flags*: int
  • id The thread id the member is in.
Source   Edit  
ThreadMembersUpdate = object
  id*, guild_id*: string
  member_count*: int
  added_members*: seq[ThreadMember]
  removed_member_ids*: seq[string]
Source   Edit  
ThreadMetadata = object
  archived*, locked*: bool
  archiver_id*, create_timestamp*: Option[string]
  auto_archive_duration*: int
  archive_timestamp*: string
  invitable*: Option[bool]
Source   Edit  
TriggerMetadata = object
  keyword_filter*, regex_patterns*, allow_list*: seq[string]
  presets*: seq[KeywordPresetType]
  mention_total_limit*: int
  mention_raid_protection_enabled*: bool
Source   Edit  
TypingStart = object
  channel_id*, user_id*: string
  guild_id*: Option[string]
  member*: Option[Member]
  timestamp*: int
Source   Edit  
UnavailableGuild = object
  id*: string
  unavailable*: bool
Source   Edit  
User = ref object
  id*, username*, discriminator*: string
  global_name*, display_name*: Option[string]
  banner*, banner_color*: Option[string]
  bot*, system*: bool
  mfa_enabled*: Option[bool]
  accent_color*: Option[int]
  premium_type*: Option[UserPremiumType]
  flags*: set[UserFlags]
  public_flags*: set[UserFlags]
  avatar*, avatar_decoration*, locale*: Option[string]
The fields for bot and system are false by default simply because they are assumable. Source   Edit  
VoiceClient = ref object
  shard*: Shard
  voice_events*: VoiceEvents
  endpoint*, token*, secret_key*: string
  session_id*, guild_id*, channel_id*: string
  connection*: WebSocket
  udp*: AsyncSocket
  lastHBTransmit*, lastHBReceived*: float
  retry_info*: tuple[ms, attempts: int]
  hbAck*, hbSent*, stop*: bool
  gateway_ready*: bool
  heartbeating*, resuming*, reconnecting*: bool
  networkError*, ready*, migrate*: bool
  paused*, stopped*, reconnectable*: bool
  speaking*, offset_override*: bool
  adjust_range*: HSlice[float64, float64]
  adjust_offset*: float64
  start*, sleep_offset*: float64
  interval*, loops*, sent*: int
  sequence*, time*, ssrc*: uint32
  data*: string
  srcIP*, dstIP*: string
  srcPort*, dstPort*: int
  case encryptMode*: VoiceEncryptionMode
  of Lite:
      nonce*: uint32


Representing VoiceClient object You can also change the values of the fields

For example: v.sleep_offset = 0.96 But this may cause some effects.

Source   Edit  
VoiceEncryptionMode = enum
  Normal = "xsalsa20_poly1305", Suffix = "xsalsa20_poly1305_suffix",
  Lite = "xsalsa20_poly1305_lite"
Source   Edit  
VoiceEvents = ref object
  on_dispatch*: proc (v: VoiceClient; d: JsonNode; event: string) {.async.}
  on_speaking*: proc (v: VoiceClient; speaking: bool) {.async.}
  on_ready*, on_disconnect*: proc (v: VoiceClient) {.async.}
Source   Edit  
VoiceRegion = object
  id*, name*: string
  vip*, optimal*: bool
  deprecated*, custom*: bool
Source   Edit  
VoiceState = ref object
  guild_id*, channel_id*: Option[string]
  user_id*, session_id*: string
  deaf*, mute*, suppress*: bool
  self_deaf*, self_mute*, self_stream*: bool
  request_to_speak_timestamp*: Option[string]
Source   Edit  
Webhook = object
  id*: string
  kind*: WebhookType
  guild_id*, channel_id*, avatar*: Option[string]
  name*, token*, url*: Option[string]
  source_guild*: Option[PartialGuild]
  source_channel*: Option[PartialChannel]
  user*: Option[User]
Source   Edit  
WelcomeChannel = object
  channel_id*, description*: string
  emoji_id*, emoji_name*: Option[string]
Source   Edit  


proc `$`(e: Emoji): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc `%`(permission: ApplicationCommandPermission): JsonNode {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc `%%*`(a: ApplicationCommand): JsonNode {....raises: [Exception],
    tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc `%%*`(a: ApplicationCommandOption): JsonNode {....raises: [Exception],
    tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc `%%*`(comp: MessageComponent): JsonNode {....raises: [KeyError], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc clear(c: CacheTable) {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Empties cache. Source   Edit  
func fullSet[T](U: typedesc[T]): set[T] {.inline.}
Source   Edit  
proc getCurrentDiscordHttpError(): DiscordHttpError {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Use this proc instead of getCurrentException() for advanced details. Source   Edit  
proc kind(c: CacheTable; channel_id: string): ChannelType {.
    ...raises: [KeyError, CacheError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Checks for a channel kind. (Shortcut) Source   Edit  
proc newActivity(data: JsonNode): Activity {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newApplication(data: JsonNode): Application {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newApplicationCommand(data: JsonNode): ApplicationCommand {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newApplicationCommandInteractionData(data: JsonNode): ApplicationCommandInteractionData {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError, KeyError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect],
    forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newApplicationCommandOption(data: JsonNode): ApplicationCommandOption {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newApplicationCommandPermission(data: JsonNode): ApplicationCommandPermission {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newAuditLog(data: JsonNode): AuditLog {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError, Exception, KeyError], tags: [RootEffect],
    forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newAuditLogEntry(data: JsonNode): AuditLogEntry {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError, KeyError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newDiscordClient(token: string; rest_mode = false; restVersion = 10): DiscordClient {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Creates a Discord Client. Source   Edit  
proc newDMChannel(data: JsonNode): DMChannel {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newEmoji(data: JsonNode): Emoji {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError],
                                       tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newGuild(data: JsonNode): Guild {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError, KeyError,
    Exception], tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newGuildApplicationCommandPermissions(data: JsonNode): GuildApplicationCommandPermissions {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newGuildBan(data: JsonNode): GuildBan {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newGuildChannel(data: JsonNode): GuildChannel {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newGuildMembersChunk(data: JsonNode): GuildMembersChunk {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newGuildPreview(data: JsonNode): GuildPreview {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newGuildTemplate(data: JsonNode): GuildTemplate {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newIntegration(data: JsonNode): Integration {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newInteraction(data: JsonNode): Interaction {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError, Exception, KeyError], tags: [RootEffect],
    forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newInteractionData(content: string; embeds: seq[Embed];
                        flags: set[MessageFlags]; attachments: seq[Attachment];
                        components: seq[MessageComponent];
                        allowed_mentions: AllowedMentions; tts: Option[bool]): InteractionCallbackDataMessage {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newInvite(data: JsonNode): Invite {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newInviteCreate(data: JsonNode): InviteCreate {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newInviteMetadata(data: JsonNode): InviteMetadata {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newMember(data: JsonNode): Member {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newMessage(data: JsonNode): Message {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newOverwrite(data: JsonNode): Overwrite {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newPresence(data: JsonNode): Presence {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newReaction(data: JsonNode): Reaction {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newReady(data: JsonNode): Ready {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError, KeyError],
                                       tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newRole(data: JsonNode): Role {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError, KeyError],
                                     tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newShard(id: int; client: DiscordClient): Shard {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newStageInstance(data: JsonNode): StageInstance {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newSticker(data: JsonNode): Sticker {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newStickerPack(data: JsonNode): StickerPack {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newTypingStart(data: JsonNode): TypingStart {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newUser(data: JsonNode): User {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [],
                                     forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newVoiceState(data: JsonNode): VoiceState {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc newWebhook(data: JsonNode): Webhook {....raises: [JsonError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc parseHook(s: string; i: var int; v: var set[GuildMemberFlags]) {.
    ...raises: [ValueError, JsonError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc parseHook(s: string; i: var int; v: var set[PermissionFlags]) {.
    ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc parseHook(s: string; i: var int; v: var set[RoleFlags]) {.
    ...raises: [ValueError, JsonError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc parseHook(s: string; i: var int; v: var set[UserFlags]) {.
    ...raises: [ValueError, JsonError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc updateMessage(m: Message; data: JsonNode): Message {.
    ...raises: [JsonError, ValueError, Exception, KeyError], tags: [RootEffect],
    forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  


macro getClient(): DiscordClient
Fetch a registered DiscordClient that would be used as the main variable for helper functions.
  • You must use mainClient before using this macro!
Source   Edit  
macro keyCheckBool(obj: typed; obj2: typed; lits: varargs[untyped]): untyped
Source   Edit  
macro keyCheckOptBool(obj: typed; obj2: typed; lits: varargs[untyped]): untyped
Source   Edit  
macro keyCheckOptInt(obj: typed; obj2: typed; lits: varargs[untyped]): untyped
Source   Edit  
macro keyCheckOptStr(obj: typed; obj2: typed; lits: varargs[untyped]): untyped
Source   Edit  
macro keyCheckStr(obj: typed; obj2: typed; lits: varargs[untyped]): untyped
Source   Edit  
macro mainClient(x: typed): untyped
Register a DiscordClient
  • Use this variable to use the helper functions. Can be set only once.

 # Register the client when declaring it
 let discord* {.mainClient.} = newDiscordClient("YOUR_TOKEN")
 # Now you can use the helper functions

Source   Edit  
macro optionIf(check: typed): untyped
Runs check to see if a variable is considered empty
  • if check is true, then it returns NoneT
  • if check is false, then it returns some(variable)

not very robust but supports basics like calls, field access

Source   Edit