
Group by:
Source   Edit  

Utilities and helper functions for every discord object.

  • You can use this for getting avatars, icons, get timestamp from id, permission checking without

the hassle for doing complicated bitwise work.

  • Furthermore, you can also use this to waitFor a certain event and waitForRaw for raw json handling before dimscord handles them.


proc `$`(g: GuildChannel): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Stringifies a guild channel. This would return something like #general Source   Edit  
proc `$`(u: User): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Stringifies a user. This would return something like krisppurg#3211 or krisp0 Source   Edit  
proc `@`(a: ApplicationCommand): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Mentions a slash command. Source   Edit  
proc `@`(g: GuildChannel): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Mentions a guild channel. Source   Edit  
proc `@`(r: Role): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Mentions a role. Source   Edit  
proc `@`(u: User; nick = false): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Mentions a user. Source   Edit  
proc add(component: var MessageComponent; item: MessageComponent) {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Add another component onto an ActionRow Source   Edit  
proc add(component: var MessageComponent; item: SelectMenuOption) {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Add another menu option onto the select menu Source   Edit  
proc avatarUrl(u: User; fmt = "png"; size = 128): string {....raises: [ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Gets the user's avatar url. If user does not have an avatar it will return default avatar of the user. Source   Edit  
proc checkActionRow(row: MessageComponent) {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Checks if an action row meets these requirements
  • A row cannot contain another row
  • If a row contains buttons, then it can only have 5 buttons
  • If a row contains buttons, then it cannot contains select menu
  • If a row contiains a select menu, then there can only be one select menu

Throws an AssertionDefect if any of these checks fail

Source   Edit  
proc computePerms(guild: Guild; member: Member): PermObj {....raises: [KeyError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Computes the guild permissions for a member. Source   Edit  
proc computePerms(guild: Guild; member: Member; channel: GuildChannel): PermObj {.
    ...raises: [KeyError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Returns the permissions for the guild member of the channel. For permission checking you can do something like this:
    allowed: {permExample}
Source   Edit  
proc computePerms(guild: Guild; role: Role): PermObj {....raises: [KeyError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Computes the guild permissions for a role. Source   Edit  
proc createBotInvite(client_id: string; permissions: set[PermissionFlags] = {};
                     guild_id = ""; disable_guild_select = false): string {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Creates an invite link for the bot of the form.

Example: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1234&scope=bot&permissions=1

See https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2#bots for more information.

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proc defaultAvatarUrl(u: User): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Returns the default avatar for a user. Source   Edit  
proc eventCover(e: GuildScheduledEvent; fmt = "png"): string {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Get scheduled event cover Source   Edit  
proc getGuildWidget(guild_id, style: string): string {....raises: [ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Gets a guild widget. https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#get-guild-widget-image-widget-style-options Source   Edit  
proc guildBanner(g: Guild; fmt = "png"): string {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Get guild banner url Source   Edit  
proc iconUrl(e: Emoji; fmt = "png"; size = 128): string {....raises: [ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Gets an emoji's url. Source   Edit  
proc iconUrl(g: Guild; fmt = "png"; size = 128): string {....raises: [ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Get icon url for guild. Source   Edit  
proc iconUrl(r: Role; fmt = "png"): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Gets a role's icon url. Source   Edit  
proc `in`(x, y: set[PermissionFlags]): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc len(component: MessageComponent): int {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Returns number of items in an ActionRow or number of options in a menu Source   Edit  
proc memberAvatarUrl(g: Guild; m: Member; fmt = "png"): string {.
    ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Gets a user's avatar url. If user does not have an avatar it will return default avatar of the user. Source   Edit  
proc memberBanner(g: Guild; m: Member; fmt = "png"): string {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Get member banner url Source   Edit  
proc mention(parse, roles, users: seq[string]; ping: bool): AllowedMentions {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
A constructor for AllowedMentions object that performs validation.
  • Any value in parse is mutually exclusive with a field of the same name.
  • To suppress all mentions, set parse to [].
  • ping: set to true if you want a mentioned reply to ping the target.
Source   Edit  
proc newActionRow(components: varargs[MessageComponent]): MessageComponent {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Creates a new action row which you can add components to. It is recommended to use this over raw objects since this does validation of the row as you add objects Source   Edit  
proc newButton(label, idOrUrl: string; style = Primary; emoji = Emoji();
               disabled = false): MessageComponent {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Creates a new button.
  • If the buttons style is NOT Link then it requires a customID
  • If the buttons style is Link then it requires a url
Source   Edit  
proc newMenuOption(label: string; value: string; description = "";
                   emoji = Emoji(); default = false): SelectMenuOption {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Creates a new menu option for a select menu.
  • label: The user facing value
  • value: The dev facing value
  • default: Whether this option is the default
Source   Edit  
proc newSelectMenu(custom_id: string; options: openArray[SelectMenuOption];
                   placeholder = ""; minValues, maxValues = 1; disabled = false): MessageComponent {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Creates a new select menu. Options can be an empty seq but you MUST add options before adding it to the option row. min and max values is if you want users to be able to select multiple options Source   Edit  
proc `notin`(x, y: set[PermissionFlags]): bool {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc orTimeout[T](fut: Future[T]; time: TimeInterval): Future[Option[T]] {.
    ...stackTrace: false.}
Helper that returns none(T) if a Future timeouts. Returns some(T) is it finished within time limit Source   Edit  
proc permCheck(perms: int; p: PermObj): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Just like permCheck, but with a PermObj. Source   Edit  
proc perms(p: PermObj): int {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Gets the total permissions. Source   Edit  
proc reference(m: Message): MessageReference {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc stripChannelMentions(m: Message): string {....raises: [ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Strips out channel mentions. Example: <#123456790> to #such-a_long-time-ago or #123456790 Source   Edit  
proc stripMentions(m: Message): string {....raises: [ValueError, RegexError],
    tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Strips all mentions. Source   Edit  
proc stripRoleMentions(m: Message): string {....raises: [ValueError, RegexError],
    tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Strips out role mentions. Example: <@&123456890> to @1243456890 Source   Edit  
proc stripUserMentions(m: Message): string {....raises: [ValueError, RegexError],
    tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Strips out user mentions. Example: <@1234567890> to @TheMostMysteriousUser#0000 Source   Edit  
proc timestamp(id: string): Time {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Gets a timestamp from a Discord ID. Source   Edit  
proc waitForComponentUse(discord: DiscordClient; id: string): Future[Interaction] {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Waits for a component to be used and returns the interaction. Data sent in the component can then be extracted. id is the ID that you used when creating the component Source   Edit  
proc waitForDeletion(discord: DiscordClient; msg: Message): Future[void] {.
    ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Waits for a message to be deleted Source   Edit  
proc waitForInternal(discord: DiscordClient; event: static[DispatchEvent];
                     handler: proc): auto
Internal proc for wait for. This is done so the procs can properly be binded to
  • The object returned would be a tuple that have the same parameter names in Events. e.g. if you were to waitFor message reaction add, it would be tuple[s: Shard, msg: Message, u: User, emj: Emoji, exists: bool] You can always find which type the parameter fields are by checking the Events object.
Source   Edit  
proc waitForRaw(discord: DiscordClient; event: string;
                handler: proc (data: JsonNode): bool): Future[JsonNode] {.
    ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect],
    forbids: [].}
This allows waiting for a dispatch event, except you can specify any string. This allows for handling events that aren't implemented in dimscord yet. The handler is ran before dimscord handles the event, so items might not be in cache. Use waitFor if you know the event you want to wait for Source   Edit  
proc waitForReaction(discord: DiscordClient; msg: Message; user: User = nil): Future[
    Emoji] {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception, ValueError],
             tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}

Waits for a reaction to a message. Can optionally provide a user to only wait for a certain user.

Make sure you have message reaction intents, either one of giGuildMessageReactions or giDirectMessageReactions.

Source   Edit  
proc waitForReply(discord: DiscordClient; to: Message): Future[Message] {.
    ...stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect],
    forbids: [].}
Waits for a message to reply to a message Source   Edit  
proc waitToJoinVoice(discord: DiscordClient; user: User; guildID: string): Future[
    VoiceState] {....stackTrace: false, raises: [Exception, ValueError],
                  tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Waits for a user to join a voice channel in a guild. Source   Edit  


macro event(discord: DiscordClient; fn: untyped): untyped
Sugar for registering an event handler. Source   Edit  


template addRole(mb: Member; r: Role | string; reason = ""): Future[void]
Assigns a member's role. Source   Edit  
template addThreadMember(ch: GuildChannel; member: Member | User | string;
                         reason = ""): Future[void]
Adds a member to a thread. Source   Edit  
template ban(g: Guild; m: Member; deletemsgdays: range[0 .. 7] = 0; reason = ""): Future[
Creates a guild ban. Source   Edit  
template beginPrune(g: Guild; days: range[1 .. 30] = 7;
                    include_roles: seq[string] = @[]; compute_prune_count = true): Future[
Begins a guild prune. Source   Edit  
template bulkRegisterCommands(app: Application;
                              commands: seq[ApplicationCommand]; guild_id = ""): Future[
Overwrites existing commands slash command that were registered in guild. This means that only the commands you send in this request will be available in a specific guild Source   Edit  
template clearReactions(m: Message): Future[void]
Remove all the reactions of a given message. Source   Edit  
template createChannel(g: Guild; name: string; kind = 0;
                       parent_id, topic, rtc_region = none string;
                       nsfw = none bool;
                       position, video_quality_mode = none int;
                       default_sort_order, default_forum_layout = none int;
                       available_tags = none seq[ForumTag];
                       default_reaction_emoji = none DefaultForumReaction;
                       rate_limit_per_user = none range[0 .. 21600];
                       bitrate = none range[8000 .. 128000];
                       user_limit = none range[0 .. 99];
                       permission_overwrites = none seq[Overwrite]; reason = ""): Future[
Creates a channel. Source   Edit  
template createInvite(ch: GuildChannel; max_age = 86400; max_uses = 0;
                      temporary, unique = false; target_user = none string;
                      target_user_id, target_application_id = none string;
                      target_type = none InviteTargetType; reason = ""): Future[
Creates an instant channel invite. Source   Edit  
template createStageInstance(ch: GuildChannel; topic: string; reason = "";
                             privacy = int plGuildOnly): Future[StageInstance]
Create a stage instance. Source   Edit  
template deferResponse(i: Interaction; ephemeral, hide = false): Future[void]
Defers the response/update to an Interaction.
  • You must use followup() or edit() after calling defer().
  • Set ephemeral to true to make the Interaction ephemeral.
  • Set hide to true to hide the "X is thinking..." state of the bot.
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template delete(apc: ApplicationCommand; guild_id = ""): Future[void]
Delete slash command for a specific application, guild_id is optional. Source   Edit  
template delete(g: Guild): Future[void]
Deletes a guild. Requires guild ownership. Source   Edit  
template delete(gse: GuildScheduledEvent; reason = ""): Future[void]
Delete a scheduled event in guild. Source   Edit  
template delete(i: Interaction; message_id = "@original"): Future[void]
Deletes an Interaction Response or Followup Message Source   Edit  
template delete(inv: Invite | string; reason = ""): Future[void]
Delete a guild invite. Source   Edit  
template delete(m: Message | seq[Message] | seq[string]; reason = ""): Future[
Deletes one or multiple Message(s). Source   Edit  
template deleteChannel(ch: SomeChannel; reason = ""): Future[void]
Deletes or closes a channel Source   Edit  
template deleteEmoji(g: Guild; e: Emoji; reason = ""): Future[void]
Deletes a guild emoji. Source   Edit  
template deleteIntegration(integ: Integration; reason = ""): Future[void]
Deletes a guild integration. Source   Edit  
template deleteRole(g: Guild; r: Role): Future[void]
Deletes a guild role. Source   Edit  
template deleteRule(g: Guild; amr: AutoModerationRule): Future[void]
deletes automod rule Source   Edit  
template deleteStageInstance(si: StageInstance | string; reason = ""): Future[
Delete the stage instance. Source   Edit  
template deleteSticker(g: Guild; sk: Sticker; reason = ""): Future[Sticker]
Deletes a guild sticker. Source   Edit  
template deleteWebhook(w: Webhook | string; reason = ""): Future[void]
Deletes a webhook. Source   Edit  
template edit(apc: ApplicationCommand; name, desc = ""; name_localizations,
    description_localizations = none Table[string, string];
              default_member_permissions = none PermissionFlags;
              options: seq[ApplicationCommandOption] = @[]): Future[
Modify slash command for a specific application.
  • guild_id - Optional
  • name - Optional Character length (3 - 32)
  • descripton - Optional Character length (1 - 100)
Source   Edit  
template edit(ch: GuildChannel;
              name, parent_id, topic, rtc_region = none string;
              default_auto_archive_duration, video_quality_mode = none int;
              flags = none set[ChannelFlags];
              available_tags = none seq[ForumTag];
              default_reaction_emoji = none DefaultForumReaction;
              default_sort_order, default_forum_layout = none int;
              rate_limit_per_user = none range[0 .. 21600];
              default_thread_rate_limit_per_user = none range[0 .. 21600];
              bitrate = none range[8000 .. 128000];
              user_limit = none range[0 .. 99]; position = none int;
              permission_overwrites = none seq[Overwrite]; nsfw = none bool;
              reason = ""): Future[GuildChannel]
Modify a guild channel. Source   Edit  
template edit(g: Guild; gse: GuildScheduledEvent;
              name, start_time, image = none string;
              channel_id, end_time, desc = none string;
              privacy_level = none GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel;
              entity_type = none EntityType;
              entity_metadata = none EntityMetadata;
              status = none GuildScheduledEventStatus; reason = ""): Future[
Update a scheduled event in a guild. Read more: https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#modify-guild-scheduled-event-json-params Source   Edit  
template edit(g: Guild; lvl: MFALevel; reason = ""): Future[MFALevel]
Modify Guild MFA Level, requiring guild ownership. Source   Edit  
template edit(g: Guild;
              name, description, region, afk_channel_id, icon = none string;
              discovery_splash, owner_id, splash, banner = none string;
              system_channel_id, rules_channel_id = none string;
              preferred_locale, public_updates_channel_id = none string;
              verification_level, default_message_notifications = none int;
              system_channel_flags = none int;
              explicit_content_filter, afk_timeout = none int;
              features: seq[string] = @[];
              premium_progress_bar_enabled = none bool; reason = ""): Future[

Modifies a guild. Icon needs to be a base64 image. (See: https://nim-lang.org/docs/base64.html)

Read more at: https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#modify-guild

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template edit(i: Interaction; content = none string; embeds = newSeq();
              allowed_mentions = none AllowedMentions; attachments = newSeq();
              files = newSeq(); components = newSeq(); message_id = "@original"): Future[
Edit an interaction response. You can use this to modify original interaction or followup message.
  • message_id can be @original
Source   Edit  
template edit(m: Message; content = ""; embeds: seq[Embed] = @[];
              attachments: seq[Attachment] = @[];
              components: seq[MessageComponent] = @[];
              files: seq[DiscordFile] = @[]; tts = false; flags = none int): Future[
Edits a Message. Source   Edit  
template edit(w: Webhook; name, avatar = none string; reason = ""): Future[void]
Source   Edit  
template editEmoji(g: Guild; e: Emoji; name = none string;
                   roles = none seq[string]; reason = ""): Future[Emoji]
Modifies a guild emoji. Source   Edit  
template editMember(g: Guild; m: Member; nick, channel_id,
    communication_disabled_until = none string; roles = none seq[string];
                    mute, deaf = none bool; reason = ""): Future[void]
Modifies a guild member Note:
  • communication_disabled_until - ISO8601 timestamp :: <=28 days
Source   Edit  
template editRole(g: Guild; r: Role; name = none string;
                  icon, unicode_emoji = none string; permissions = none PermObj;
                  color = none int; hoist, mentionable = none bool; reason = ""): Future[
Modifies a guild role. Source   Edit  
template editRule(g: Guild; amr: AutoModerationRule; event_type = none int;
                  name = none string; trigger_type = none ModerationTriggerType;
    trigger_metadata = none tuple[keyword_filter: seq[string], presets: seq[int]];
                  actions = none seq[ModerationAction]; enabled = none bool;
                  exempt_roles, exempt_channels = none seq[string]; reason = ""): Future[
Edits an automod rule. event_type is gonna be 1 for SEND_MESSAGE Source   Edit  
template editStageInstance(si: StageInstance | string; topic = none string;
                           privacy = none int; reason = ""): Future[
Modify a stage instance. Source   Edit  
template editSticker(g: Guild; s: Sticker; name, desc, tags = none string;
                     reason = ""): Future[Sticker]
Modify a guild sticker. Source   Edit  
template followup(i: Interaction; content = ""; embeds: seq[Embed] = @[];
                  components: seq[MessageComponent] = @[];
                  attachments: seq[Attachment] = @[];
                  files: seq[DiscordFile] = @[];
                  allowed_mentions = none AllowedMentions;
                  tts, ephemeral = false): Future[Message]
Follow-up to an Interaction.
  • Use this function when sending messages to acknowledged Interactions.
Source   Edit  
template getAuditLogs(g: Guild; user_id, before = ""; action_type = -1;
                      limit: range[1 .. 100] = 50): Future[AuditLog]
Get guild audit logs. The maximum limit is 100. Source   Edit  
template getBan(g: Guild; user_id: string): Future[GuildBan]
Gets guild ban. Source   Edit  
template getBans(g: Guild): Future[seq[GuildBan]]
Gets all the guild bans. Source   Edit  
template getCommand(app: Application; guild_id = ""; command_id: string): Future[
Get a single slash command for a specific Application, guild_id is optional. Source   Edit  
template getCommands(app: Application; guild_id = ""; with_localizations = false): Future[
Get slash commands for a specific Application, guild_id is optional. Source   Edit  
template getEventUsers(gse: GuildScheduledEvent; limit = 100;
                       with_member = false; before, after = ""): Future[
Gets the users and/or members that were subscribed to the scheduled event. Source   Edit  
template getIntegrations(g: Guild): Future[seq[Integration]]
Gets a list of guild integrations. Source   Edit  
template getInvites(ch: GuildChannel): Future[seq[Invite]]
Gets a list of a channel's invites. Source   Edit  
template getInvites(g: Guild): Future[seq[InviteMetadata]]
Gets guild invites. Source   Edit  
template getMember(g: Guild; user_id: string): Future[Member]
Gets a guild member. Source   Edit  
template getMembers(g: Guild; limit: range[1 .. 1000] = 1; after = "0"): Future[
Gets a seq of a guild's members. Source   Edit  
template getMessage(ch: SomeChannel; message_id: string): Future[Message]
Get a channel message. Source   Edit  
template getMessages(ch: SomeChannel; around, before, after = "";
                     limit: range[1 .. 100] = 50): Future[seq[Message]]
Gets channel messages. Source   Edit  
template getPins(ch: SomeChannel): Future[seq[Message]]
Get channel pins. Source   Edit  
template getPruneCount(g: Guild; days: int): Future[int]
Gets the prune count. Source   Edit  
template getReactions(m: Message; emoji: string; before, after = "";
                      limit: range[1 .. 100] = 25): Future[seq[User]]
Get all user message reactions on the emoji provided. Source   Edit  
template getRegions(g: Guild): Future[seq[VoiceRegion]]
Gets a guild's voice regions. Source   Edit  
template getResponse(i: Interaction; message_id = "@original"): Future[Message]
Get the response (Message) to an Interaction Source   Edit  
template getRule(g: Guild; rule_id: string): Future[AutoModerationRule]
Get a Guild's specific AutoMod Rule Source   Edit  
template getRules(g: Guild): Future[seq[AutoModerationRule]]
Get a Guild's current AutoMod Rules Source   Edit  
template getScheduledEvent(g: Guild; event_id: string; with_user_count = false): Future[
Get a scheduled event in a guild. Source   Edit  
template getScheduledEvents(g: Guild): Future[seq[GuildScheduledEvent]]
Get all scheduled events in a guild. Source   Edit  
template getSelf(g: Guild): Future[Member]
Get guild member as the current user aka you. Source   Edit  
template getThreadMember(ch: GuildChannel; user: User | string): Future[
Get a thread member. Source   Edit  
template getThreadMembers(ch: GuildChannel): Future[seq[ThreadMember]]
List thread members. Note: This endpoint requires the GUILD_MEMBERS Privileged Intent if not enabled on your application. Source   Edit  
template getVanity(g: Guild): Future[tuple[code: Option[string], uses: int]]
Get the guild vanity url. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. code will be null if a vanity url for the guild is not set. Source   Edit  
template getWebhooks(ch: GuildChannel): Future[seq[Webhook]]
Gets a list of a channel's webhooks. Source   Edit  
template getWebhooks(g: Guild): Future[seq[Webhook]]
Gets a list of a channel's webhooks. Source   Edit  
template joinThread(ch: GuildChannel): Future[void]
Join thread. Source   Edit  
template leave(g: Guild): Future[void]
Leaves a guild. Source   Edit  
template leaveThread(ch: GuildChannel): Future[void]
Leave thread. Source   Edit  
template newThread(ch: GuildChannel; name: string; auto_archive_duration = 60;
                   kind = ctGuildPrivateThread; invitable = none bool;
                   reason = ""): Future[GuildChannel]
Starts a new thread without any message. Source   Edit  
template pin(m: Message; reason = ""): Future[void]
Add pinned message. Source   Edit  
template preview(g: Guild): Future[GuildPreview]
Gets guild preview. Source   Edit  
template react(m: Message; emoji: string): Future[void]
Add a reaction to a Message
  • emoji Example: '👀', '💩', likethis:123456789012345678
Source   Edit  
template registerCommand(app: Application; name, description: string;
    name_localizations, description_localizations = none Table[string, string];
                         kind = atSlash; guild_id = ""; dm_permission = true;
                         default_member_permissions = none PermissionFlags;
                         options: seq[ApplicationCommandOption] = @[]): Future[
Create a guild slash command.
  • guild_id Optional
  • name - Character length (3 - 32)
  • descripton - Character length (1 - 100)

NOTE: Creating a command with the same name as an existing command for your application will overwrite the old command.

Source   Edit  
template remove(ch: GuildChannel; member: Member | User | string; reason = ""): Future[
Removes a member from a thread. Source   Edit  
template removeBan(g: Guild; mb: Member; reason = ""): Future[void]
Removes a guild ban. Source   Edit  
template removeMember(g: Guild; m: Member; reason = ""): Future[void]
Removes a guild member. Source   Edit  
template removePin(m: Message; reason = ""): Future[void]
Remove pinned message. Source   Edit  
template removeReaction(m: Message; emoji: string; user_id = "@me"): Future[void]
Removes the user's or the bot's message reaction to a Discord message. Source   Edit  
template removeReactionEmoji(m: Message; emoji: string): Future[void]
Remove all the reactions of a given emoji. Source   Edit  
template removeRole(mb: Member; r: Role; reason = ""): Future[void]
Removes a member's role. Source   Edit  
template reply(i: Interaction; content = ""; embeds: seq[Embed] = @[];
               components: seq[MessageComponent] = @[];
               attachments: seq[Attachment] = @[]; ephemeral = false): Future[
Respond to an Interaction.
  • Do NOT use this if you used defer or if you already sent a reply.
  • This is a "response" to an Interaction.

Use followup, createFollowupMessage or edit if you already responded.

  • Set ephemeral to true to send ephemeral responses.
Source   Edit  
template reply(m: Message; content = ""; embeds: seq[Embed] = @[];
               attachments: seq[Attachment] = @[];
               components: seq[MessageComponent] = @[];
               files: seq[DiscordFile] = @[]; stickers: seq[string] = @[];
               allowed_mentions = none AllowedMentions;
               nonce: Option[string] or Option[int] = none(int);
               mention, failifnotexists, tts = false): Future[Message]
Replies to a Message.
  • set mention to true in order to mention the replied message in Discord.
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template searchMembers(g: Guild; query = ""; limit: range[1 .. 1000] = 1): Future[
Search for guild members. Source   Edit  
template send(ch: SomeChannel; content = ""; tts = false;
              nonce: Option[string] or Option[int] = none(int);
              files: seq[DiscordFile] = @[]; embeds: seq[Embed] = @[];
              attachments: seq[Attachment] = @[];
              allowed_mentions = none AllowedMentions;
              message_reference = none MessageReference;
              components = newSeq[MessageComponent]();
              sticker_ids = newSeq[string]()): Future[Message]
Sends a Discord message.
  • nonce This can be used for optimistic message sending
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template sendModal(i: Interaction; response: InteractionCallbackDataModal): Future[
Create an interaction response which is a modal. Source   Edit  
template setNickname(g: Guild; nick: string; reason = ""): Future[void]
Sets the current user's guild nickname
  • Set nick to "" to reset nickname.
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template startThread(m: Message; name: string;
                     auto_archive_duration: range[60 .. 10080]; reason = ""): Future[
Starts a public thread.
  • auto_archive_duration Duration in mins. Can set to: 60 1440 4320 10080
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template suggest(i: Interaction; choices: seq[ApplicationCommandOptionChoice]): Future[
Create an interaction response which is an autocomplete response. Source   Edit  
template update(i: Interaction; content = ""; embeds: seq[Embed] = @[];
                flags: set[MessageFlags] = {};
                attachments: seq[Attachment] = @[];
                components: seq[MessageComponent] = @[];
                allowed_mentions = default(AllowedMentions); tts = none bool): Future[
Updates the message on which an Interaction was received on.
  • This acknowledges an Interaction.
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template waitFor(discord: DiscordClient; event: static[DispatchEvent];
                 handler: untyped): auto
Allows you to define a custom condition to wait for. This also returns the object that passed the condition.
  • Note: some event objects may be same as the event name e.g. GuildMembersChunk, you can write this as deGuildMembersChunk instead of having to write DispatchEvent.GuildMembersChunk.
  • The object returned would be a tuple that have the same parameter names in Events. e.g. if you were to waitFor MessageReactionAdd, it would be tuple[s: Shard, msg: Message, u: User, emj: Emoji, exists: bool] You can always find which type the parameter fields are by checking the Events object.

See also:

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